file | array.h [code] |
| Dynamic and flexible arrays for C.
file | bipartite.h [code] |
| Implements bipartite matchings.
file | funcattr.h [code] |
| Macros for declaring extra function attributes.
file | gaussjordan.h [code] |
| solves a system of linear equations
file | gaussseidel.h [code] |
file | hashptr.h [code] |
| Hash functions.
file | hungarian.h [code] |
| Solving the Minimum Assignment Problem using the Hungarian Method.
file | list.h [code] |
file | obst.h [code] |
| Provides obstack_chunk_alloc and obstack_chunk_free for obstack.h.
file | obstack.h [code] |
file | pmap.h [code] |
| Simplified hashmap for pointer->pointer relations.
file | pqueue.h [code] |
| Implementation of a priority queue. This is the ported version of the original Java implementation by Matthias Braun.
file | pset.h [code] |
| optimized version of set for sets containing only pointers (deprecated)
file | set.h [code] |
| hashset: data structure containing objects accessible by their key
file | unionfind.h [code] |
| Union-Find data structure.
file | xmalloc.h [code] |
| never failing wrappers for malloc() & friends.