No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Abstract Data StructuresThis module contains abstract datatypes like lists and hashmaps
 Generic HashsetGeneric Hashset
 Linked Lists
 Memory Allocation
 Pointer MapPointer->Pointer hashmap
 Pointer Set(Hash)sets containing pointers
 Priority QueueA priority queue
 Union-FindUnion-Find data structure
 AlgorithmsThis module contains generic algorithms like bipartite matching or solvers for linear equation systems
 Bipartite MatchingSolved bipartite matching problem
 Gauss Jordan EliminationSolves a system of linear equations
 Hash Functions
 Hungarian AlgorithmSolves bipartite matching problems (minimize/maximize cost function)
 Basic Block Execution Frequency
 Control Dependence
 Dominance Information
 Dynamic Reverse Edges
 Memory Disambiguator
 Node Heights
 Reverse EdgesOut-Edges are the reverse of the edges in a firm graph (also called def-use edges)
 Value InformationInformation about SSA-values (ranges, known bits, ...)
 Code Generation
 Just in Time Compilation
 Correctness Tests
 Entity Initializers
 Input and Output
 Library InitializationThe functions in this section deal with initialization and deinitalization of the libFirm library
 Printing and VisualisationThis module contains functions for printing and visualizing libfirm data structures like programs, graphs and nodes for humans
 String FormattingThese functions allow printing of formated strings with support for printing firm objects in a human readable form
 Procedure Graph
 Construction Support
 Source ReferencesFirm requires a debugging module fulfilling this interface, else no debugging information is passed to the backend
 Statistic Events
 Target Machine Values
 Target Setup and Information
 Machine Triple
 Target platform information
 Transformations and Optimizations
 FlagsFlags to customize the behavior of libfirm
 Graph Transformations
 Local Optimizations
 Type System
 Value ModesThis module specifies the modes that type the firm nodes