3static const pns_lookup_t ASM_lut[] = {
9static const pns_lookup_t Alloc_lut[] = {
14static const pns_lookup_t Builtin_lut[] = {
18static const pns_lookup_t Call_lut[] = {
25static const pns_lookup_t Cond_lut[] = {
30static const pns_lookup_t Div_lut[] = {
37static const pns_lookup_t Load_lut[] = {
44static const pns_lookup_t Mod_lut[] = {
51static const pns_lookup_t Raise_lut[] = {
56static const pns_lookup_t Start_lut[] = {
62static const pns_lookup_t Store_lut[] = {
68static const pns_lookup_t Switch_lut[] = {
73static const proj_lookup_t proj_lut[] = {
74 {
iro_ASM, ARRAY_SIZE(ASM_lut), ASM_lut },
75 {
iro_Alloc, ARRAY_SIZE(Alloc_lut), Alloc_lut },
76 {
iro_Builtin, ARRAY_SIZE(Builtin_lut), Builtin_lut },
77 {
iro_Call, ARRAY_SIZE(Call_lut), Call_lut },
78 {
iro_Cond, ARRAY_SIZE(Cond_lut), Cond_lut },
79 {
iro_Div, ARRAY_SIZE(Div_lut), Div_lut },
80 {
iro_Load, ARRAY_SIZE(Load_lut), Load_lut },
81 {
iro_Mod, ARRAY_SIZE(Mod_lut), Mod_lut },
82 {
iro_Raise, ARRAY_SIZE(Raise_lut), Raise_lut },
83 {
iro_Start, ARRAY_SIZE(Start_lut), Start_lut },
84 {
iro_Store, ARRAY_SIZE(Store_lut), Store_lut },
85 {
iro_Switch, ARRAY_SIZE(Switch_lut), Switch_lut },
@ pn_ASM_X_regular
control flow when no jump occurs
@ pn_ASM_first_out
first output
@ pn_Alloc_M
memory result
@ pn_Alloc_res
pointer to newly allocated memory
@ pn_Builtin_M
memory result
@ pn_Call_T_result
tuple containing all results
@ pn_Call_X_except
control flow when exception occurred
@ pn_Call_X_regular
control flow when no exception occurs
@ pn_Cond_false
control flow if operand is "false"
@ pn_Cond_true
control flow if operand is "true"
@ pn_Div_res
result of computation
@ pn_Div_X_regular
control flow when no exception occurs
@ pn_Div_X_except
control flow when exception occurred
@ pn_Load_X_except
control flow when exception occurred
@ pn_Load_res
result of load operation
@ pn_Load_X_regular
control flow when no exception occurs
@ pn_Mod_X_except
control flow when exception occurred
@ pn_Mod_res
result of computation
@ pn_Mod_X_regular
control flow when no exception occurs
@ pn_Raise_M
memory result
@ pn_Raise_X
control flow to exception handler
@ pn_Start_P_frame_base
frame base pointer
@ pn_Start_T_args
function arguments
@ pn_Start_M
initial memory
@ pn_Store_M
memory result
@ pn_Store_X_except
control flow when exception occurred
@ pn_Store_X_regular
control flow when no exception occurs
@ pn_Switch_default
control flow if no other case matches