14#include "firm_types.h"
struct ir_graph ir_graph
Procedure Graph.
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.
Relations for comparing numbers.
struct ir_tarval ir_tarval
Target Machine Value.
VRP information for a single node.
enum range_types range_type
The range represented by range_top, range_bottom.
ir_tarval * range_bottom
lower end of the value range
ir_tarval * bits_set
The bits which, by analysis, are definitely set: 0: may be not set, 1: definitely set.
ir_tarval * range_top
upper end of the value range
ir_tarval * bits_not_set
The bits which by analysis are definitely not set: 1 for may be set, 0: definitely not set.
void free_vrp_data(ir_graph *irg)
free vrp infos in an irg
ir_relation vrp_cmp(const ir_node *left, const ir_node *right)
Test, if the two nodes can be compared with their vrp information.
void set_vrp_data(ir_graph *irg)
Sets vrp data on the graph irg.
Type of a value range.
vrp_attr * vrp_get_info(const ir_node *n)
Returns the vrp data for this node Note: only allowed for nodes with an integer mode!
information cannot be derived
bottom and top form a range, including both values
range from bottom to top cannot be, but borders might be
No information could be derived so far.