15#include "firm_types.h"
struct ir_graph ir_graph
Procedure Graph.
void irg_walk_func(ir_node *, void *)
type for graph-walk callbacks
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.
unsigned get_Block_n_cfg_outs_ka(const ir_node *node)
Returns the number of control flow successors, honor keep-alives.
ir_node * get_Block_cfg_out_ex(const ir_node *node, unsigned pos, int *in_pos)
Access predecessor n, ignore keep-alives also return its input position.
void irg_out_block_walk(ir_node *node, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Walks only over Block nodes in the graph.
unsigned get_Block_n_cfg_outs(const ir_node *node)
Returns the number of control flow successors, ignore keep-alives.
ir_node * get_Block_cfg_out(const ir_node *node, unsigned pos)
Access predecessor n, ignore keep-alives.
void free_irg_outs(ir_graph *irg)
Frees memory occupied by out edges data structures.
unsigned get_irn_n_outs(const ir_node *node)
Returns the number of successors of the node:
void irg_out_walk(ir_node *node, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Walks over the graph starting at node.
ir_node * get_irn_out(const ir_node *def, unsigned pos)
Returns the User of a node from the Def-Use edge at position pos.
void assure_irg_outs(ir_graph *irg)
Recomputes out edges if necessary.
void compute_irg_outs(ir_graph *irg)
Computes the out edges.
ir_node * get_irn_out_ex(const ir_node *def, unsigned pos, int *in_pos)
Returns the User and its input position from the Def-Use edge of def at position pos.
ir_node * get_Block_cfg_out_ka(const ir_node *node, unsigned pos)
Access predecessor n, honor keep-alives.