15#include "firm_types.h"
struct ir_graph ir_graph
Procedure Graph.
ir_disambiguator_options get_irg_memory_disambiguator_options(const ir_graph *irg)
Returns the memory disambiguator options for a graph.
void set_irp_globals_entity_usage_state(ir_entity_usage_computed_state state)
Sets the current address taken state of the globals.
ir_entity_usage_computed_state get_irp_globals_entity_usage_state(void)
Returns the current address taken state of the globals.
void assure_irp_globals_entity_usage_computed(void)
Assure that the address taken flag is computed for the global and TLS entities (variables).
ir_alias_relation get_alias_relation(const ir_node *addr1, const ir_type *type1, unsigned size1, const ir_node *addr2, const ir_type *type2, unsigned size2)
Determine if two memory addresses may point to the same memory location.
void set_irp_memory_disambiguator_options(ir_disambiguator_options options)
Sets the global disambiguator options for all graphs not having local options.
void mark_private_methods(void)
Mark all private methods, i.e.
void assure_irg_entity_usage_computed(ir_graph *irg)
Assure that the entity usage flags have been computed for the given graph.
const char * get_ir_alias_relation_name(ir_alias_relation rel)
Returns a human readable name for an alias relation.
Possible options for the memory disambiguator.
The alias relation of two memory addresses.
void set_irg_memory_disambiguator_options(ir_graph *irg, ir_disambiguator_options options)
Sets the memory disambiguator options for a graph.
The state of the entity usage flags.
@ aa_opt_always_alias
always assume aliasing
@ aa_opt_no_alias
different addresses NEVER alias
@ aa_opt_none
no options, use defaults
@ aa_opt_type_based
if type based analysis is enabled bytes types may alias other types
@ aa_opt_byte_type_may_alias
@ ir_may_alias
Unknown state, may alias.
@ ir_sure_alias
Sure alias.
@ ir_entity_usage_computed
@ ir_entity_usage_not_computed
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.
struct ir_type ir_type