13#ifndef FIRM_ANA_IRDOM_H
14#define FIRM_ANA_IRDOM_H
16#include "firm_types.h"
void dom_tree_walk(ir_node *n, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Visit all nodes in the dominator subtree of a given node.
int block_strictly_postdominates(const ir_node *a, const ir_node *b)
Check, if a block strictly post dominates another block, i.e.
ir_node ** ir_get_dominance_frontier(const ir_node *block)
Get the dominance frontier of a block.
ir_node * ir_deepest_common_dominator(ir_node *block0, ir_node *block1)
Returns the deepest common dominator of two blocks.
void dom_tree_walk_irg(ir_graph *irg, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Walk over the dominator tree of an irg starting at the root.
void compute_doms(ir_graph *irg)
Computes the dominance relation for all basic blocks of a given graph.
int get_Block_postdom_depth(const ir_node *bl)
int block_dominates(const ir_node *a, const ir_node *b)
Check, if a block dominates another block.
void ir_compute_dominance_frontiers(ir_graph *irg)
Compute the dominance frontiers for a given graph.
ir_node * get_Block_postdominated_next(const ir_node *node)
Returns the next node in a list of nodes which are postdominated by another node.
ir_node * get_Block_dominated_next(const ir_node *node)
Returns the next node in a list of nodes which are dominated by some other node.
ir_node * get_Block_dominated_first(const ir_node *block)
Returns the first node in the list of nodes dominated by a given block.
ir_node * get_Block_postdominated_first(const ir_node *bl)
Returns the first node in the list of nodes postdominated by a given blcok.
void postdom_tree_walk_irg(ir_graph *irg, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Walk over the post dominator tree of an irg starting at the root.
ir_node * get_Block_idom(const ir_node *block)
return immediate dominator of block
ir_node * get_Block_ipostdom(const ir_node *block)
return immediate postdominator of a block
void postdom_tree_walk(ir_node *n, irg_walk_func *pre, irg_walk_func *post, void *env)
Visit all nodes in the post dominator subtree of a given node.
void compute_postdoms(ir_graph *irg)
Computes the post dominance relation for all basic blocks of a given graph.
int get_Block_dom_depth(const ir_node *bl)
int block_postdominates(const ir_node *a, const ir_node *b)
Check, if a block post dominates another block.
struct ir_graph ir_graph
Procedure Graph.
void irg_walk_func(ir_node *, void *)
type for graph-walk callbacks
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.