16#include "firm_types.h"
106 ir_node *
const *old_node_array,
unsigned column
column number (starting at 1; 0 if unknown)
char const * file
the name of the source (usually a file)
unsigned line
line number (starting at 1; 0 if unknown)
An enumeration indicating the action performed by a transformation.
src_loc_t(* retrieve_dbg_func)(dbg_info const *dbg)
The type of the debug info retriever function.
void ir_set_type_debug_retrieve(retrieve_type_dbg_func func)
Sets global print_type_dbg_info function in firm.
src_loc_t ir_retrieve_dbg_info(dbg_info const *dbg)
Retrieve the debug info.
struct type_dbg_info type_dbg_info
Source Type Reference.
void dbg_init(merge_pair_func *dbg_info_merge_pair, merge_sets_func *dbg_info_merge_sets)
Initializes the debug support.
void(* retrieve_type_dbg_func)(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const type_dbg_info *tdbgi)
The type of the type debug info retrieve function.
void ir_set_debug_retrieve(retrieve_dbg_func func)
Sets a debug info retriever.
void merge_sets_func(ir_node *const *new_node_array, int new_num_entries, ir_node *const *old_node_array, int old_num_entries, dbg_action action)
The type of the debug info merge sets function.
void ir_retrieve_type_dbg_info(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const type_dbg_info *tdbgi)
Retrieve type debug info.
const char * dbg_action_2_str(dbg_action a)
Converts a debug_action into a string.
void merge_pair_func(ir_node *new_node, ir_node *old_node, dbg_action action)
The type of the debug info merge function.
struct dbg_info dbg_info
Source Reference.
@ dbg_backend
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a Backend transformation.
@ dbg_algebraic_simplification
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of an algebraic simplification.
@ dbg_opt_auxnode
Removal of unnecessary auxiliary nodes.
@ dbg_read_after_write
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a read after write optimization.
@ dbg_read_a_const
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a read a constant optimization.
@ dbg_jumpthreading
A Firm node was replace because of the jumpthreading algorithm.
@ dbg_read_after_read
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a read after read optimization.
@ dbg_write_after_write
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a write after write optimization.
@ dbg_straightening
A Firm subgraph was replaced by a single, existing block.
@ dbg_gvn_pre
A Firm node was replace because of the GVN-PRE algorithm.
@ dbg_const_eval
A Firm subgraph was evaluated to a single constant.
@ dbg_opt_cse
A Firm node was replaced due to common subexpression elimination.
@ dbg_dead_code
Removing unreachable code, i.e.
@ dbg_if_simplification
The control flow of an if is changed as either the else, the then or both blocks are empty.
@ dbg_opt_ssa
Optimization of the SSA representation, e.g.
@ dbg_write_after_read
A Firm subgraph was replaced because of a write after read optimization.
@ dbg_opt_confirm
A Firm subgraph was replace because of a Confirmation.
@ dbg_combo
A Firm node was replace because of the combo algorithm.
struct ir_node ir_node
Procedure Graph Node.