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Endless Loops

The Problem

(Potentially) endless loops are tricky to get right in a graph based representation. They pose two main problems:

  • Endless loops may not have any control flow leading to the End node. Worse in a dependency graph such loops are not connected with the End node and thus invisibile.

  • Endless loops are observable behaviour. Even if they don’t contain any memory operations themselves, they must use the memory leading into the loop and produce a new memory value. Failing to do that may lead to memory operations before the loop getting dropped or moved across the loop which is invalid for endless loops.


Our current solution to these problems, is to introduce a special edge class called keep-alive edges. Keep-alive edges are inputs of the End node. They are unusual in that they don’t necessarily respect the SSA dominance property (the def may not dominate the use at the End node).

In a correct graph any potentially endless loop needs:

  • At least 1 block in the loop must be referenced by a keep-alive-edge, because an endless loop may consists of only a block with a jump in it. There might be no PhiM in it.

  • There must be at least 1 Phi node with memory mode which is referenced by a keep-alive-edge The Phi might get garbage collection without users, if not kept alive.

The keep alive edges lead to the endless loop still being connected with the rest of the graph, the memory Phi node ensures that the loop uses and produces memory.


Dealing with potentially endless loops unfortunately requires special care by frontends. For any loop where termination is not ensured the frontend has to:

  • Call keep_alive() with 1 block of the loop

  • Call get_store() at least once to force a PhiM to be created

Correct Optimization

Optimizations in firm should not be affected much. But they have to ensure that:

  • You must not remove memory Phi nodes with at least 1 self reference to ensure that the loops keep using/producing memory.

  • Phi and Block nodes can have the End node in their users list which may be surprising.